Forex market forecast 03-07-2017
This week! Special G20 versus Bitcoin!
Yes…this it’s not an accident to see an end of consolidation, when we see 2 G20 meetings. In fact, from my long experience, market it is not only predictable, but it’s like a book of future.
Let’s start with Bitcoin, and then move on Forex market and see what kind of deal we can get.
Ok..Just before we look on BTC/USD , let’s check 3 different time frames:
- on Tuesday nigh: there’s should be a news, after what we should see a reversal on AUD/JPY, how ever, there’s nothing to be scary about. I will explain this at the end of this blog, why.
- on Thursday and Friday morning: There’s should be an interesting entry around 7:30am and 11:00am. On what Currency? mostly EUR/USD. It’s hard to say the right timing at this point…but as time go, this information will be easy to see.]
- at the end of the week: G20…at 06:15am, very tricky….sounds like a trap, watch this out !
How G20 can hurt Bitcoin reputation (or in this case…how Bitcoin can hurt they own reputation) ?
Well, I was thing about something. Few days ago, there’s few things happen. First, UN, ask “Bitcoin” to have access on few data. “Bitcoin” didn’t agree. After what, there’s was a criminal cyber attack in Russia, Europe and United State, where “hackers” was asking to be paid 300bitcoin in XYZ account.
Well, this it’s a big issue…for Bitcoin, and doesn’t matter witch side it will go, so far I don’t see anything good for them.
- Bitcoin agree to share some information, to track hackers… this will go against Bitcoin philosophies.
- Bitcoin disagree to share information, this will led G20 to put Crypto-Currency in “terrorist or criminal organisation”
- G20 let Bitcoin do whatever they want… witch this will led to “hiding deal” between both.
How can G20 fight back against Bitcoin holder? Easy… just say, if you have bitcoin, you are count as a criminal or a terrorist.
How can they “track you” , easy… like with juvenile pornography…when you travel, they will check you USB , PC, or whatever they want. If they have any evidence of you holding “crypto-currency”, they can do whatever they want.
As mention, gold is keep moving down. Looking to see gold, retest 1043.00$/oz and they go back at last highs.
This it’s what I’m looking for. After EURo’s Sprint, it’s time to go back to reality. Euro… is cheap!
Look for a pull back on next one or two days, and see EUR/USD retest last highs. For an entry, look for “loss of momentum” match with “My entry timing”… and Short , by enjoy lot’s of profits.
This it’s what I’m looking for…a pull back for this week, probably. Following by another continuation. and then, will see…get out or stay in for more profits.
This trade should give you already a very nice daily cashflow on 5 weeks. 35 days…of full positive cashflow! aren’t you happy?
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