Live trading room
Live Trading Room
Money Maker Edge™ live trading room is open 9:00 am to 12:00 and some days 4:00pm to traders that have taken the Live day trading course or have participated on the online day trading course, or want to see our live calls.
Please read the guidelines before joining the room.
1. Fast Start Guide
2. User Guide
3. Screen Share, Charts and scanners.
Remember we are here to trade, so preference to live account traders. It is our job to find trades, call out the entry stop and targets.
Questions will be answered when possible, if your question is not answered we will get to it during the lunch hours. Please be patient. We are here to trade.
There are a plethora of subscription live trade rooms available to the day trader today. They are open to all traders from different backgrounds that speak about the market with different terms and different meanings. Many talk about 10, 20 ,50 or even 100% return on their trading and show you all the different returns possible if you follow their calls. My experience has been that these rooms are not a fit for 99% of traders because there is no consistency in trades called.
If you participate in these live trading rooms, you will notice that most of the people can’t catch the trade, or the leader of the room calls the trade after they have already made the profit. Having participated in many live trade rooms over the years, the chaos and inconsistent results I have seen gave me good reason to close the doors to the Money Maker Edge™ trade room and only open it up to traders that share the same lexicon of trading. To only allow traders that have gone through the day trading course and understand the price and direction of the market.
In a live trading room speaking the same trading language is the key. You will see over time that this consistency is key to our analysis and creating focus.
Once a trader understands the basics of the market, and can see price and direction we allow them to participate in our live day trading room. What we have found is this: if you are trading on a basis of functional knowledge, understand the same terminology, risk assessment and execution then your participation in the live day trading room is more collaborative and adding value to your trading and others.
All traders that have taken the Money Maker Edge™ Day trading course are invited to participate in the live day trading room. Our traders speak the same language, understand the technical side of trading and have mastered the art of being a chart technician.
You can see more on our course here.